Lazar Lab
Microbial Ecology

Microbial Ecology
Nicolas Ortiz - MSc student
Metabolism of microbial populations colonizing rock surfaces

Write to Nicolas
Nicolas obtained his bachelor degree at Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia). His passion is environmental microbiology, travel and sports. One of his dreams was to continue his grad studies and found a great opportunity to join Dr lazar’s group.
Nicolas is going to study the metabolism of microorganism that colonize the surface of rocks. The aim of the research is understand and see how the metabolism, gene expression, proteins and pathways change after microbes live on the rocks for different period of time. The results of the study also, will help us to understand how other organisms and environments could be affected by the changes and substances produced by the microbiota that lives on rocks.
Nicolas is co-supervised by Prof. Maikel Rosabal (UQAM).